Dashboard vessel status
Map display vessel status information
- Vessel locations on the map are based on the chosen time period. When the "Showing Last 24 Hours" mode is chosen, the latest AIS and weather data are displayed. In case a different time range is selected, the most recent data up until the end of the selected period is utilized.
- The vessel's color is determined based on the highest level of activity severity detected during the selected time period..
- To access more detailed AIS and weather information, simply hover your mouse over a vessel icon. Below the voyage timeline, you will find an overview of the number of activities for each severity level during the selected period.

💡Product tip
If no recent AIS data is available (data older than 12 hours), the time field will be marked in red and all other related information will be grayed out to signify that it is probably not updated for the requested time (see example below). In addition, the vessel icon is shaded.

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